Billy Rubin

The adventures of a pre-clerkship medical student.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

the Naked Truth

We always want to hear the truth from our politicians. We want the naked truth and none of this glossy polical rhetoric. But Canadian politicians seem to have misconstrued what we're looking for.

Liberal leadership candidate, Scott Brison, posed nude for a calendar which is raising money for prostate and ovarian cancer research. Apparently he posing nude pretending to look into the refrigerator and, thankfully, the door covers the goods. The Globe and Mail quoted Mr. Brison as saying:
"It's naked ambition for a good cause. My father had prostate cancer. My uncle died of cancer. . . . . We're not unique to Canadians. Cancer research is a cause that's very close my heart."
Bob Rae, another Liberal Leadership candidate, didn't want to be outdone. So here he is on the Rick Mercer Report:

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